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Displaying search results 1-10 of 186 for dietary assistant
Showing results for dietary assistant. No results found for "Dietary Assistant".
Salon Assistant Traineeship
This is a preparatory qualification which provides a defined and limited range of basic skills and knowledge used in hairdressing salons by individual...
Code: SHB20216 Status: Current RTOs: 10 RTOs Qld implementation date: 12/09/2016 -
Retail Assistant Traineeship
This qualification reflects the role of frontline retail team members who use a defined and limited range of operational skills to undertake workplace...
Code: SIR20216 Status: Current RTOs: 13 RTOs Qld implementation date: 22/08/2016 -
Library and Information Services Assistant Level III Traineeship
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who use a broad range of skills and knowledge in a wide variety of environments. The job roles tha...
Code: BSB30420 Status: Current RTOs: 0 Qld implementation date: 01/11/2021 -
Library and Information Services Assistant Level II Traineeship
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who perform mainly routine tasks using limited practical skills and fundamental operational knowle...
Code: CUA20520 Status: Current RTOs: 0 Qld implementation date: 01/11/2021 -
Medical Practice Assistant Traineeship
Medical Practice Assistants can work in a variety of settings including General Practices, hospital outpatient and medical specialist clinics. These ...
Code: HLT47715 Status: Current RTOs: 0 Qld implementation date: 01/02/2016 -
Dental Assistant Traineeship
This qualification reflects the role of workers who assist dental practitioners during oral health care procedures. The role includes maintaining high...
Code: HLT35021 Status: Current RTOs: 7 RTOs Qld implementation date: 01/11/2021 -
Telecommunications Technology Assistant Traineeship
This qualification reflects the role of a new entrant into the telecommunications industry who can apply a range of competencies in a varied work cont...
Code: ICT20319 Status: Current RTOs: 0 Qld implementation date: 02/03/2020 -
Patient Services Assistant - Health Services Traineeship
The trainee undertaking this role will be working in a team environment providing services to clients in a health care setting. The trainee will acqu...
Code: HLT33115 Status: Current RTOs: 9 RTOs Qld implementation date: 01/02/2016 -
Pathology Assistant Traineeship
The trainee undertaking this role will perform a range of duties in a hospital or similar health care facility. These duties may include: cleanin...
Code: HLT37415 Status: Current RTOs: 2 RTOs Qld implementation date: 01/02/2016 -
Retail Cosmetic Assistant Traineeship
This qualification reflects the role of retail sales personnel involved in a defined range of tasks to sell and demonstrate beauty or cosmetic product...
Code: SHB20121 Status: Current RTOs: 2 RTOs Qld implementation date: 02/05/2022