Apprenticeship and traineeship details
Please refer to the Declaration Policy for the requirements relating to apprenticeships and traineeships.
Please refer to the Norfolk Island Policy for apprenticeships and traineeships on Norfolk Island.
Job summary:
The apprentice jockey will gain a high level of race riding and horse handling skills that require application of problem solving skills to unpredictable problems. As some of an apprentice's income is derived from percentages of stake money the apprentice must compete with peers to obtain the best mounts. This requires marketing and communication skills and the ability to operate autonomously in the choice of mounts, trainers, and venues.
The apprentice jockey also requires in-depth understanding of anatomy, physiology, and health of the horse applied in the context of a competitive environment. An apprentice jockey is one of the few occupations where there is an absolute restriction on the weight of the participant, a requirement for a high degree of physical fitness and a constant reliance on performance to obtain income. It is also an occupation where non-adherence to rules or poor performance can result in fines or suspensions from riding. Consequently, a thorough knowledge of racing rules and legal procedures at the local, national and international level is essential.
Australian Standard Classification of Occupations:
Restricted calling:
This is a
Restricted calling (Restricted
calling information)
- Full-time
- Part-time
- Casual NOT PERMITTED in Queensland
- School-based
The lodgment of a second training contract where one of the training contracts is full-time will be reviewed by the Department to determine if each of the parties to each training contract can meet their obligations. There must be a clear separation between the training and employment requirements for each training contract and must not be replicated through the one occupation only.
Minimum of 15 hours per week over each 4 week period throughout duration of apprenticeship/traineeship.
7.5 hours per week of paid employment. This may be averaged over a 3 month period.
Over the period of a year, the employer must provide at a minimum the equivalent of 375 hours (50 days) of paid employment.
Apprentices/trainees with a disability are entitled to work less than 15 hours per week when averaged over a 4 week cycle. They must be a holder of a disability pension and Pension concession card to be approved.
Other requirements for school-based:
School-based requirements
Students not enrolled in years 10, 11 or 12 may be eligible to enter a SAT provided there are exceptional circumstances warranting consideration and all other entry requirements are met, including being of an age where it is legal to undertake paid employment.
Before a student not in years 10, 11 or 12 commences a SAT, a business case supporting the arrangements must be provided to and approved by the Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET).
Delivery of training to school-based apprentices
Limits have been imposed on the amount of institutional training which may be delivered to school-based apprentices, based on the nominal term of a full time training contract. The limit for this apprenticeship in a school-based mode is a maximum of 33.3% of the competencies.
Apprenticeship Probation/Duration Details:
All apprenticeships have a nominal term - this is the timeframe that is on the Apprenticeship training contract. Some apprenticeships also have an Expected Duration. The Expected Duration is the amount of time that it's reasonably expected someone could become competent and complete their Apprenticeship. Apprentice's Training Plans are developed using the Expected Duration timeframe rather than the contract's nominal term.
Mode | Start Date | End Date | Probation Period (days) | Nominal Term (months) | Expected Duration (months) |
Full-time | 02/05/2022 | 90 | 48 | 48 |
Progression Points within Expected Duration:
To achieve a reasonable rate of progress and completion within the expected duration (48 months) it is anticipated an apprentice would achieve approximately 25% of the competencies for the qualification within each 12 month period of the apprenticeship.
Minimum education standard:
Not Specified
Minimum entry age:
Entry Requirements:
For more information on the Minimum Entry Age requirement, please contact Racing Queensland on 3869 9777.
To commence this qualification an individual must:
- have completed RGR30518 Certificate III in Racing (Trackwork Rider)
- demonstrated skills and experience in riding and handling thoroughbred horses commensurate with the RGR30518 Certificate III in Racing (Trackwork Rider).
Students not enrolled in years 10, 11 or 12 may be eligible to enter a SAT.
As a general rule, only Australian citizens and New Zealand citizens who have entered Australia on a valid passport have unrestricted rights to employment in Australia.
Visa holders may engage in apprenticeships or traineeships provided their work rights allows this, based on information and advice provided by the Australian Government.
Supervision requirements
Please refer to the Declaration policy, table 15 for the requirements on supervision.
Modified supervision arrangements available: NO
Employers are required to provide, or arrange to provide the facilities, range of work, supervision and training as detailed in the training plan.
Qualified person for apprenticeships
1. A person who has satisfactorily completed an apprenticeship in the apprentice's calling in Australia, and is the holder of a completion certificate issued under an Act, or
2. A person who holds a certificate of recognition issued under an Australian Act, certifying the person has the necessary skills and knowledge in the calling, or
3. An Australian tradesperson in the apprentice's calling, as defined under a specific industrial instrument, or
4. A New Zealand tradesperson in the apprentice's calling who's occupation may be recognised under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Queensland) Act 2003, or
5. A person who holds a tradesperson's certificate or certificate of recognition as a recognised tradesperson issued under the Tradespersons' Rights Regulation Act 1946 in the apprenticeship calling, or
6. A person who holds a relevant qualification in the apprenticeship calling, or
7. A person individually, or persons collectively, who has/have documented competence (i.e. a testamur/qualification and associated record of results or a statement of attainment as recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework, achieved through an RPL or training pathway) in all the competencies the employer is required to provide training for under the apprentice's training plan.
And, where a worker is required to have a licence to practice the calling/occupation, the qualified person holds a current workers licence.
While there is no set ratio required for the number of supervisors to apprentices or trainees it is generally accepted for apprenticeships there is one supervisor to each apprentice, this may be relaxed as an apprentice gains skills and experience or where an apprentice commences with existing skills and experience.
Adequate supervision of apprentices and trainees cannot solely be provided from an offsite location by electronic means. Electronic means include, but are not limited to, telephones, radios and webcams.
The level of supervision will normally range between direct, general and broad as per the below guidelines:
- Direct - Close monitoring of work ensuring understanding and identifying potential risks and/or hazards
- General - Occasional monitoring to ensure progress is occurring
- Broad - Quality checking of completed tasks.
Licensing requirements - NIL
Qld declaration date:
Implementation date:
Qualification details
Certificate IV in Racing (Jockey)
Qualification code:
Qualification content:
Click here for more details
Training package:
RGR - Racing and Breeding Training Package - RGR
Queensland User Choice program funding details
The Queensland User Choice program funds Skills Assure suppliers (RTOs) for the provision
of services to eligible apprentices and trainees.
For more information, please visit
User Choice in Queensland.
Funded under the User Choice Program:
Full Price - Priority Population Groups:
Queensland Government Contribution - All Other Students including SATs:
Number of funded units of competency:
Funding restrictions:
- Note that Queensland Government Contribution may be the same as Full Price, depending on qualification priority and thin market status
Funding not available for new commencements from:
User Choice Training Catalogue Item:
DELTA Qualification ID:
Industry training group:
Sports & Recreation - Racing
Industrial relations details
Since 1 January 2010, all private sector employers and employees in Queensland, including apprentices and trainees,
have their wages and conditions of employment covered by the Fair Work Act 2009 and modern awards. This legislation
is administered by the Commonwealth Government Fair Work Ombudsman's office.
Apprentices and trainees are considered employees and may receive entitlements the same as other employees such as:
annual leave, sick leave, public holidays, superannuation, workers compensation and allowances. Apprentices and trainees
must also receive a pay slip to cover full details of the pay for each pay period. Pay slips have to be given to an
employee (including apprentices and trainees) within 1 working day of pay day and be either in electronic form or paper hard copy.
Parties should make enquiries with the Fair Work Ombudsman on Ph: 13 13 94 or at
to determine the correct industrial instrument and entitlements.
When employment is ceasing the employer or the employee (apprentice/trainee) must provide the appropriate notice periods
as per the relevant award or registered workplace agreement. A notice period is the length of time that an employer or
employee (apprentice/trainee) has to give to end employment. Additional information about notice periods can be found
Unfair dismissal is when an employee (apprentice/trainee) is dismissed from their job in a harsh, unjust or unreasonable
manner. Additional information about unfair dismissal can be found at:
Public sector and local government workers in Queensland remain under the state industrial relations system. Additional
information about wages and conditions of employment for employees (apprentices/trainees employed by state or local government)
can be found at:
Apprenticeship/Traineeship note details
Date of note | File note |
02/05/2022 | Please note that all contracts for this apprenticeship must be forwarded to the Racing Queensland for approval. |
02/05/2022 | The Apprentice Connect Australia Provider must contact Racing Queensland on (07) 3869 9777 prior to arranging any Training Contract. All racing industry training contracts must be entered electronically by the Provider and the Training Contract forwarded to Racing Queensland for approval under delegation. |
02/05/2022 | To become an apprentice jockey, you must be approved by Racing Queensland. An application must be made to Racing Queensland's Licensing Dept, on the approved form available on Racing Queensland's website. You must meet requirements set by Racing Queensland including meeting weight and physical requirements and demonstrating competence in pre-requisite units of the qualification. |